Alperton Community School is the only secondary school in Brent who currently holds the Healthy Schools Silver Award, for our work to support the health and wellbeing of staff and pupils. This is a great achievement for all staff and students involved.

The main focus of our Healthy Schools bid was staff and student wellbeing and mental health. Our projects received praise from the HSL team for the work that took place in:

  • Y9 taking part in the National Anna Freud Mental Health provision
  • Y11’s devising a mental health and wellbeing programme that offered support in the run up top examinations throughout the year
  • Y12 & 7 students working with the Youth Sports trust to help empower students to discuss mental health and wellbeing.

Each programme was a great success and even with the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic we have strived to deliver the best mental health and wellbeing provision for our staff and students.