Holidays and Food (HAF) programme from Brent Council

Brent Council receives funding from the Department for Education to deliver a Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme as part of a national scheme. The aim of the programme is to support the physical and mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, encouraging them to engage in interactive and fun activities.

The programme offers free places at holiday provision in the Easter, summer and Christmas school holidays for school-aged children in Brent who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals.

Children and young people can access a minimum of 4 days of HAF programme activities over the Easter and Christmas holidays, and 16 days over the summer holidays.

This programme is funded by the Government. For more information, please check this link.

Please see the links below for the Summer 2024 HAF Programme and a comprehensive list of all other activities taking place over the Summer Break 2024.

    1. Summer 2024 HAF programme
      PDF File

    1. Summer Activities 2024 and University Summer Programs
      PDF File

The programme usually includes:

  • a wide range of fun, physical and enriching activities
  • education around healthy eating, healthy lifestyles, and preparing food
  • a nutritious meal each day
  • signposting, referrals and support for parents, carers and families
  • a safe space for children to interact with others.

Support Services for Parents & Carers

Please use the links below to access a range of support services provided by Brent. Please contact Mr Hart, Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion or Ms Selbonne Pupil Support Officer if you would like help with completing  Brent’s Free School Meals Application Form.

Pupil Premium Report

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools in order to support identified groups of students and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.

To view the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22 to 2023-24, please click here.

Pupil Premium Interventions

These interventions are led by Mr Hart Deputy Head for Inclusion

The range of interventions include:

  • Talent Engaged GCSE Booster Programme in English, maths and science
  • KS3 and KS4 Summer School to facilitate transition and recall of curriculum content
  • Equipment and resource provision post Student Needs survey
  • Homework Club provision
  • Breakfast Club provision
  • CoachBright and Brilliant Club intervention
  • Targeted support from EAL, SEND and Behaviour teams
  • Conflict Resolution and Self-Esteem workshops
  • Period 6 intervention for Year 11
  • PD for teachers to improve T&L in the classroom
  • Student Progress Officer – mentoring & support role