On Friday 10 February, we had the privilege of hosting at Alperton two artworks of Turner Prize winning artists Lubaina Himid and Rachel Whiteread. The event was organised by the charity Artists in Residence who has been collaborating with the Government Art Collection organisation to bring art collections to schools and give students an up-close look at famous works of art.

Alongside a presentation of the artworks, representatives from the Government Art Collection also delivered practical lino-print workshops to selected students. During break and lunchtime, the hall was open to all staff and students who were welcomed to come and view these inspiring artworks and find out more about the artists.

The students also had the opportunity to learn more about the many career opportunities in the arts and really enjoyed the hand-on workshops.

Below you can see some photos from the event.


works of Turner Prize winning artists Lubina Himid and Rachel Whiteread Alperton hosts works of Turner Prize winning artists Lubina Himid and Rachel Whiteread works of Turner Prize winning artists Lubina Himid and Rachel Whiteread