On Thursday, 10th January, the whole of Year 12 attended an event at The Harrow Arts Centre called ‘Safe Drive, Stay Alive’.

The students were collected from school by several coaches and were introduced to the host for the day who really connected with the audience. The students were then shown a harrowing film highlighting the outcomes of poor driving and how it can adversely affect the lives of loved ones as well as all of the people involved in the accident.

Young drivers are much more likely to be involved in a crash on the roads, often due to inexperience and a lack of knowledge of the risks. The Safe Drive Stay Alive campaign reaches out to new and pre-drivers in an emotive and hard-hitting way in order to help influence behaviour and attitudes while driving on the road.

Students found the session to be a very moving experience whilst also gaining a valuable insight into the real life dangers of driving. Hopefully, ACS 6th formers will now approach driving with a greater level of maturity and will understand the importance of always wearing a seat belt and remaining completely focused while being responsible for a motor vehicle.