This month our year 12 students visited Magdalen College at Oxford University and had a fantastic experience on the campus.

We were initially stunned at the beauty of the building and the general feeling of it. We sat down in the auditorium and were greeted by Mariam, our guide for the day, who is originally from Alperton, but had recently graduated from Oxford, reading Engineering. She explained to us what it means to go to Oxford and the opportunities it can provide.

We were given a tour of Magdalen College and we listened to a number of interesting stories explaining what makes the college so special. We saw the bar, the common room, the games room and the library. We were told about the experiences people had at Magdalen and the benefits of boarding there.

We then had lunch in the canteen and admired the beauty of the room that was featured in the Harry Potter films – it was amazing.

We then discussed the interview process at Oxford university, getting a better understanding about the entire application process and what to expect if we were accepted.

We then walked through the City of Oxford and admired the fabulous buildings and visited more places where Harry Potter scenes were filmed. Afterwards, we were shown the engineering section of the university where we had the opportunity to observe students at work.

It was really inspiring to see all these people working so hard and it really made us all want to be a part of it too.

We also learned about general applying to universities in general, which was very helpful. We really enjoyed the trip and we we hope to be able to see it all again in the future.

Article written by Atiya Humphrey SF8